Queens Councilman Anthony Como (R - Middle Village, Glendale, Ridgewood) joined Brooklyn Councilman Mathieu Eugene yesterday in officially announcing their opposition to the Mayor and Speaker Quinn's attempt to extend term limits.
This brings the number of "no" votes to 19, "yes" votes to 15, with 17 still undecided. In order for the measure to pass, 26 of 51 Council Members must vote "yes".
Como's vote is as stiking an indication of where the majority of the public stands on this issue as any opinion poll released so far. Como is currently locked in a fierce primary for his seat against Democrat Elizabeth Crowley, who he edged out by only 38 votes in a special election in March of this year. Since he is again squaring off against Crowley this November, it is clear that Como thinks voting "no" on the extension is what he must do to satisfy his constituents and hold his seat.
Como's vote is as stiking an indication of where the majority of the public stands on this issue as any opinion poll released so far. Como is currently locked in a fierce primary for his seat against Democrat Elizabeth Crowley, who he edged out by only 38 votes in a special election in March of this year. Since he is again squaring off against Crowley this November, it is clear that Como thinks voting "no" on the extension is what he must do to satisfy his constituents and hold his seat.
It is interesting to note that Como's district is traditionally Republican, so the fact that his constituents don't support extending term limits shows how far Mayor Bloomberg's once blue-chip stock has fallen with his former party since he switched his affiliation to Independent in June 2007. Como's decision makes him the second Republican to stray from the Mayor's side, following Staten Island Councilman Vincent Ignizio's vote. The only other Republican in the Council, Staten Island's James Oddo, remains undecided.
Call and email James Oddo and let him know you want your voice heard on term limits. Stay vigilant in lobbying your Council Members. Council Members Como and Eugene's "no" votes prove that your efforts are working!
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