Monday, March 9, 2009

In Memoriam: Bob Guskind

Of all of the events I have missed writing about in the last couple of months, I wanted to make sure I didn't let the sad passing of blogger Bob Guskind go unmentioned.

I only met Bob once in person, but I corresponded with him on occasion by email, including just a few days before he died. It was clear to be by the tone of this last correspondence that he was overwhelmed, but he went out of his way to apologize for any brusqueness I might have misconstrued from the terse response.

I had made no such assumption. Bob was always performing herculean labors of good journalism and I took it as a matter-of course-that he would be too busy for idle chatter. I'm not sure quite when Bob slept, but I presume it was infrequently and when he did, he dreamt in long posts that unraveled the mysteries of Brooklyn for all of us.

When I first considered blogging, I approached Bob and he shared with me many words of advice I have since internalized as second nature. When I did finally make my first post, he praised my early work as "promising and good natured" and shared my blog with his readers.

I am grateful to Bob for his generosity and saddened that Brooklyn will be without his seemingly infinite insights.

Thanks to Chris Kreussling, the Flatbush Gardener, for this wonderful photo of Bob.

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